"They say there's a heaven for those who will wait
Some say it's better but I say it ain't
I'd rather laugh with the sinners
than cry with the saints
The sinners are much more fun...
You know that only the good die young
Oh woah baby, I tell ya
Only the good die young
Only the good die young..."
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Andy Gibb, the youngest brother of the Bee Gees, did not record the above song, yet the lyrics could very well be applied to him and to his short life. He achieved phenomenal success when he was still a teenager, being the first male singer to chart 3 consecutive No. One singles on Billboard Hot 100 between 1977-1978. Apparently, his record still hasn't been broken to this date. These No. One hits were: I Just Want To Be Your Everything; Love Is Thicker Than Water; and Shadow Dancing.

In 1981, Andy met Victoria Principal, whom he had a crush on for years, on the John Davidson Show, and romance immediately blossomed. Sadly, the love affair only lasted for a little more than a year. However, after they broke up, Andy became hooked on drugs and often complained about his chest pain. He struggled during his latter years, trying so hard to regain his energy and his past glory. Soon after his 30th birthday in 1988, Andy complained of severe chest pain and was admitted to a hospital where he slumped into unconsciousness and later pronounced dead. Did he die of a bad heart? Or a broken heart? Did he really throw his life away?
The irony is, he did sing the song called "Don't Throw It All Away":
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