This dark-haired beauty was said to b

e the love of Frank Sinatra's life! Their marriage only lasted 6 years - from 1951 to 1957. She was also the inspiration for one of his most magical songs, "I Am a Fool To Want You", recorded after their separation. Here is a video showing many of her pictures with Sinatra singing this song in the background:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcU_cZ6ULK4&feature=relatedAt Ava's funeral, it was reported that a black limousine had parked behind the crowd of 500 mourners. No one came out from the limousine, but it was assumed that the anonymous mourner was Frank Sinatra. A floral arrangement at Ava's graveside simply read: "With My Love, Francis".
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrJ0Dx1qrb0&feature=relatedShe's very beautiful in "Barefoot Contessa" which unfor

tunately I didn't get to see. Ava did a good job in playing the poor Julie in "Show Boat"; however, they could have used her own voice instead of dubbing it with Annette Warren's. Then I like her more in "Pandora and The Flying Dutchman" where she played the ill-fated Pandora who fell desperately in love with the immortal Dutch captain Hendrick van der Zee (played by James Mason), who had murdered his innocent wife in a jealous rage. I was a kid when I saw this movie and couldn't understand the story at all, so I am looking forward to seeing this movie again some day.
Ava in the 1951 movie - Show Boat:
She's really beautiful!